Inspiration for Starlight

Many forms of art and media inspired, influenced, or kindled the writing mode in my brain so it could function properly, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t give credit to where it is due.

To start, I’d like to mention the music behind the story. I am a little obsessed with music, especially epic writing music and instrumental soundtracks that were created for the purpose of inspiring creativity. I’ve listened to way more songs that are listed here, but these particular songs have stuck out to me either through the process of writing my book or were more recently discovered and I just love too much not to share.

I invite you to sit at your computer, open that notebook, or just lie on your bed and close your eyes as you listen to the music that sparks creativity for you. If you don’t know where to start, feel free to check out the songs that have helped me! I have listed songs with lyrics and instrumental only, which you can also find on my Spotify playlist for Starlight.


Songs with lyrics:

“The Journey” – Jana (American Indian Story)

  • This was the first song on my playlist for Starlight. I stumbled across it by chance from a local library CD section. Native American culture is so beautiful, full of grace, pain, injustice, resilience, and strength. I love this album, and “The Journey” spoke to me especially when writing my book. 

“Somewhere Only We Know” – Keane (Hopes and Fears), and the more mellow version by Rhianne.

  • My husband introduced me to this song when we were first married, and from the first time I heard it, I pictured it playing through the credits of my book made into film. Though I never imagine that scenario actually coming true, in my mind, I see the ending scene to this book before credits roll. It gives me a sense of satisfaction and pure joy at the idea that I finally accomplished a goal I’ve spent a great deal of my life pursuing—publishing my book, finally able to share the story that’s been rolling around in my mind for over a decade.

“Anchor” – Mindy Gledhill (Anchor)

  • Haylia loves to live with her head stuck in the stars, but thankfully she has loved ones who keep her grounded, as well as give her the confidence she needs to grow and fly when she can.  

“Better Place” – Rachel Platten (Wildfire)

  • I believe Lera would say that her life was better since Luke entered it, and I tend to agree. Love has a special way of brightening the world, especially in times when it feels darkest.

“Lost” – Michael Bublé (Call Me Irresponsible)

  • We don’t know what struggles people are going through. It’s easy to judge wrongly. Don’t add to the darkness people are fighting to beat. On the other side, giving up can feel like the easier road. Don’t let the darkness win, and get pushing through. You’re not lost. You never will be, as long as you keep fighting, and knowing that you are enough. Let me say that again. YOU. ARE. ENOUGH. Hold on, the light will come.

“Hold On” – Michael Bublé (Crazy Love)

  • We are never meant to go through life by ourselves. We’re given family, friends, and the kindness of strangers to help us along. There’s love and hope all around you. It’s a central theme in Starlight, and this song captures that beautifully. 

“Anyone” – Justin Bieber (Justice)

  • I must say that I was never a Justin Bieber fan growing up. But the last few years, he has produced some soul-touching music that cannot be ignored, and this one is at the top of my favorite songs list. I immediately thought of Lera and Luke when I heard it. In my mind, it was made for them.

“Long Lost Child” – Mindy Gledhill (Feather in the Wind)

  • I hear Lera singing this song, to her sister and brother, with different lines applying to each younger sibling, and sometimes both at the same time. It shows a vulnerability in her heart that she often hides.

“All Through the Night” – Sleeping at Last (Covers, Vol. 1)

  • The night is a dominant setting in this book. So many relationships form and grow under its cover. Often times the best stuff, the things that build the strongest parts of us, come out of the darkest moments in our lives.   

“Make You Feel My Love” – Sleeping at Last (Covers, Vol. 2)      

  • Luke would do anything for Lera and Haylia, and we love him for it, don’t we? The first version I heard of this song was by Garth Brooks, covered by a boy in a single singing class I took in college. (Wasn’t much hope for me in that department, but I loved all that I learned.) I’m not sure I ever said one word to this guy, but when he sang this song for our final at a class performance, his sincerity touched me. It made me yearn and hope for someone who would feel that deeply for me. I found it, and I can say it was everything I wished for, and more. My own relationship influenced much of Luke’s devotion, selflessness, and passion. This song echoes that.

“Bloom in the Dark” – Emorie (Calling Me Home)

  • It’s difficult to see how much we are loved when lost in the dark, but we’re often given people in our lives during the moments we require support the most. The hardest part can be letting them in and accepting that help. It’s usually difficult to do so, but what are we missing out on when we deny others the chance to love us better through performing that service? We’re meant to help each other, not to walk our paths alone.

“Bless the Broken Road” – Rascal Flatts (Feels Like Today)

  • This is for all those country song fans out there. You’ve got to have at least one on your playlist, right? Rascal Flatts were my gateway band into country, and though I’m not a hardcore fan of all country, I learned to expand my preferences to other genres I never would have otherwise. This song has a beautiful message. The road was certainly broken and torn for Luke in order to find the Rainer sisters, and he wouldn’t have had it any other way.

“So Ist Es Immer (feat. Somer)” – Samuel Kim (Attack on the Titan: Epic Collection)

  • Can’t say enough how much I love this guy’s music. He’s got a talent to make you feel something deeper than you knew was possible. I imagine this song sung by several individuals in my book, key characters and those living in the background that we never get introduced to. My story follows the lives of two sisters, but thousands of people in this world lived under the cover of darkness, hoping to get through each day with their hope in tact.

“Ghost” – Justin Bieber (Justice)

  • Another Justin Bieber song I couldn’t overlook. It doesn’t matter how many times they play this song on the radio—I never grow tired of it. Perhaps because it reminds me of something important in this book, and in the book to come. I wish I could say more, but just know that this is another song I felt was meant for one of my beloved characters.


Some of these songs capture specific scenes, but more often they invoke the same feelings I receive when writing multiple parts of Starlight. I prefer to leave the task to you as to where you think each one fits. There could be more than one right answer. Which scenes can you see? Or, better yet, which songs inspire you to write your own story? This kind of music is a godsend to writers, and I hope it inspires you as much as it has for me. Thank you to these artists who created fantastic pieces of art that carry on the spirit of creativity to others.

“Building Light” – Anne Sophie Versnaeyen (Soul Stories)

“Remember Me” – Anne Sophie Versnaeyen (Soul Stories)

“Feeling Alive” – Anne Sophie Versnaeyen (Soul Stories 2)

“A World Apart” – Anne Sophie Versnaeyen (Soul Stories 2)

“A Ray of Light” – Anne Sophie Versnaeyen (Soul Stories 2)

“Forever in This World” – Anne Sophie Versnaeyen (Soul Stories 3)

“Spring Romance” – Anne Sophie Versnaeyen (Soul Stories 3)

“Happy Memories” – Anne Sophie Versnaeyen (Soul Stories 3)

“Wide Open Sky” – Mark John Petrie (Magnus: B-Sides)

“Creation” – NINJA TRACKS (Forces: Creation)

“Touch the Sky” – Timothy Robert Shortell (Touch the Sky)

“Dying Star” – Utho Riley (Supernove Dreams)

“Rapture” – Two Steps from Hell (Illumina Anthology) – Really, anything from Two Steps from Hell is gold.

–> Check out my Spotify playlist for additional songs not mentioned here! I’m always adding more as I work on the sequel for Starlight.

Check out my pinterest board where I post pictures that inspire me when writing or remind me of scenes/characters from Starlight!